TalkIsrael is a non-profit that aims to positively change the conversation about Israel among American teens using social media.
We produce original content that dispels misconceptions and deepens the emotional connection between Israeli and American youth and empower the next generation of creators to become advocates for positive change.
What we do
We create inspiring and positive content about Israel, featuring young creators from our community
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We provide guidance, mentorship, and support to young storytellers, helping them reach their full potential as content creators
We allow anyone, anywhere, and at any time to easily find and share the best and most inspiring content about Israel by our creators on our social media or on the Talklsrael app.
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Join our vibrant community
of creators today!
Our Programs
Whatever level you are at, we've got you covered

Social Media Track for High School Students
In partnership with ICYL
For beginner storytellers, we have partnered with the Israeli Center for Young Leaders to create a yearlong social media track program in Israel for high school students. Participants learn how to build their personal brand and tell their personal

Our Content Creators Bootcamp
In partnership with Israel 21C
Our Content Creators Bootcamp (available online)In partnership with Israel 21C For intermediate creators, we offer a 3-month virtual boot camp in partnership withIsrael21C. The program provides creators with personal mentorship, advance sessions on storytelling and community building, and professional tools to boost their reach.

For experts, we offer content creators a wide range of opportunities to partner with us on trendy projects and social media shows shining highlighting their Israel-related stories and experiences.